Welcome to MigraineHQ - home of Ajovy®

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Resources for Patients treated with AJOVY® (fremanezumab) 225mg/1.5ml Pre-Filled Syringe.

This information is for adults who have been diagnosed with migraine and prescribed AJOVY® (fremanezumab). It is important to know what to expect while being treated with AJOVY®.

This website provides answers to some common questions about AJOVY® but should not replace the advice of your doctor. If you have any concerns about your treatment or condition, you should talk to your doctor.

The training video contains information on how to give yourself an injection of AJOVY® under your skin. It’s important that you don’t try to give yourself the injection unless you have received initial advice or training from your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. If you’re unsure about giving yourself the injection, please ask your doctor for help.

AJOVY® Autoinjector device, carton and cap images.

Ajovy Autoinjector and catron, Ajovy Autoinjector with cap removed, Ajovy Auto injector cap, showing normal remove steel


AJOVY® How To Inject Video - Autoinjector


AJOVY® How To Inject Video - Pre-Filled Syringe

How AJOVY® Works


Patient Support Materials

Patient Portal Banner_Ajovy.JPG

Terms and Conditions TEVA Pharma Australia Pty Ltd, ABN 41 169 715 664. Level 1, 37 Epping Road, Macquarie Park, Sydney NSW 2113. Date of preparation: November 2022, - AU-00007