DuoResp® Spiromax®

DuoResp Spiromax. budesonide/formaoterol (eformeterol)

This website provides important information about using DUORESP® SPIROMAX®. You should also speak to your doctor or pharmacist if you would like further information or if you have any concerns or questions about using DUORESP SPIROMAX.


Why has my doctor prescribed DuoResp Spiromax?

DUORESP SPIROMAX contains two active ingredients in one inhaler: budesonide and formoterol (eformoterol) fumarate dihydrate (hereafter referred to as eformoterol).

  • Budesonide belongs to a group of medicines called corticosteroids. Budesonide acts directly on your airways to reduce inflammation.
  • Eformoterol belongs to a group of medicines called beta-2-agonists. Eformoterol opens up the airways to help you breathe more easily.

DUORESP SPIROMAX is inhaled into the lungs for the treatment of asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).


Asthma is a disease where the airways of the lungs become narrow and inflamed (swollen), making it difficult to breathe. This may for example be due to exercise, or exposure to allergens (e.g. an allergy to house dust mites, smoke or air pollution) or other things that irritate your lungs. The budesonide in DUORESP SPIROMAX helps to improve your condition and to prevent asthma attacks from occurring. The eformoterol in DUORESP SPIROMAX helps you breathe more easily. Some people can take DUORESP SPIROMAX when they need it – they use DUORESP SPIROMAX as an antiinflammatory “reliever” to treat their symptoms when their asthma gets worse and to help prevent asthma attacks, or to help prevent symptoms from happening (e.g. before exercise or exposure to other triggers such as allergens). Some people need to take DUORESP SPIROMAX every day – they use their DUORESP SPIROMAX as a daily maintenance preventer to help maintain control of their asthma symptoms and help prevent asthma attacks. You should always take DUORESP SPIROMAX as prescribed by your doctor. If you are unsure of when to take it, please speak to your doctor or pharmacist.


COPD (which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema) is a long-term lung disease. There is often permanent narrowing and persistent inflammation of the airways. Symptoms may include difficulty in breathing (breathlessness or wheezing), coughing and increased sputum. DUORESP SPIROMAX when used as prescribed will help to control your COPD symptoms (i.e. breathing difficulties). The usual dose is taken twice daily. If you are unsure of your dose, please speak to your doctor or pharmacist.


200/6mcg 400/12mcg

Patient Demonstration Video

DuoResp Video

DuoResp Video

Patient Support Materials

Consumer Medicine Information How to use your inhaler